The life of a Christian involves commitment to living in a way that is contrary to the ways of the world. Discomfort is an expected result because of this. Since our ultimate goal lies beyond the boundary of physical life, it is important that we don’t seek our satisfaction within that boundary. Our pursuit in life must not end until we are raised in glory at the return of Christ.
Wholehearted Choice
Right and Wrong Righteousness
Are there differences between man’s righteousness and God’s righteousness? Is there a right way and a wrong way? What are some of the examples the Bible talks about when explaining both ways?
Anticipation for What?
We are expected to be anticipating great things as Christians. When we anticipate we also need to be having actions that align us with what we are anticipating. How does this all relate to being a Christian?
The Salt of the Earth
This message looks at four different aspects of salt and compares it to God’s people who are “the salt of the earth” and who must not lose their savor!
The Devil Is Loose
Satan’s wrath is great, as he knows that he has only a short time. But he is still the god of this evil world, the prince of darkness, who walks about like a roaring lion, seeking his victims in order to destroy them. He is a murderer, a liar, a deceiver, a fraud, an accuser and a tempter, and so are his servants and ministers who are acting on his behalf, even though many may think that they serve the true God. Those who were able to free themselves from Satan’s clutches through the understanding of the Truth and become again his victims are walking towards their spiritual and perhaps even physical death. This sermon will show from the Bible how Satan has inflicted misery and pain on so many people, but it also emphasizes that with God’s help, we will conquer the Devil.
Retaining Our Hope in the Growing Darkness
We live in a world that increasingly walks away from God. Mankind reaches out to find answers to the growing problems they face but very few seek Godliness. We must, like Noah, continue to proclaim the Truth of God through our actions and attitudes. Our hope in the plan of God is the only rock that will keep us above the sins and approaching judgement for mankind.
You Are Not Alone
“Are we alone in the universe?” is the question. But if the answer is that “you are not alone,” how will mankind respond? What if God is the One Who answers?
A Legacy Left
For good or bad we are all establishing a legacy, and for those called to the Truth the consequences will be eternal. What legacy are we leaving?