Hope is a necessity in the life of a Christian. Faith in a better future that lies ahead provides the needed motivation to lift our spirits and endure to the end.
FOT: Polished Gems
The sermonette deals with a major reason why God confronts a person called out of the world with regular and varied tests. In addition, an interesting analogy with regard to the gems created by God is discussed in parallel. So what do humans and gems have in common?
FOT: Where is our Treasure?
Do we treat the opportunity of coming before God to give offerings as the treasure it is? Fulfilling the love Christ showed us by such a great example is the greatest kind of offering we can give to Him.
FOT: Inspiration
To change the course of life is no small feat. Yet, the call to repentance involves nothing less. Where can we find the inspiration to make such a fundamental change in our lives and learn to love the way of life that God commands?
FOT: Ruling
We are looking at the aspects and requirements to rule under Christ in the millennium.
FOT: We Reap What We Sow
How many times how we seen people, quite obviously guilty, get away with the crime they’ve committed? Often through a street-wise, highly paid lawyer or through a legal loophole that’s been exploited. They got away with it. Or did they? This brief message looks at this question.
Ruling with Christ–How and Why? (Feast of Tabernacles 2019)
How can we be sure that we will be in the Kingdom of God and rule with and under Christ? How could God be so sure that David or Abraham would make it into the Kingdom? Why was God totally convinced and knew that Christ would never sin, when He was here on earth as a human being? How does God know what will happen in the future? And why should we look forward to our rule over others in the Kingdom? What are some of God’s promises for us and others?
FOT: There Will Be No End!
The Bible speaks of an unending future being offered to humanity. It is through keeping the Holy Days of God that we can understand His great master plan of salvation—eternal life in the Kingdom of God!
FOT: Lack and Limitation
Often times throughout our Christian life we can run into situations which stop us from growing or moving forward. When we encounter these situations we need to understand that there is a way out and a way forward. When we are not growing we are limiting how God can work in our lives. We need to continually remember that it is through our own lack and limitations that God either works in and through us, or He cant. The choice is entirely ours.
FOT: God’s Future Government on Earth, Part 1
This first sermon of three, briefly reviews what we have in the world today, and takes a look at how the world will look after Jesus Christ’s return to this earth. This covers seven changes.